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This class will take the high school student on a journey through the world of architecture and design. We will start with the elements and principles of design. After these are mastered through the use of projects, we will move onto architectural and furniture styles. We will also learn about some amazing architects. After learning about the different styles, the students will learn how to read and hand draft floor plans. The students will then learn how to construct models of the plans which they have designed. The year will culminate with the students working on a real design project for a client. The students will work to come up with the best solution to the client’s needs and will present their ideas to the client. This class teaches so much more than just design, it teaches students how to solve problems in unique ways and that carries over into all areas of life. Several boy Scout merit badges are incorporated into this class: Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Disabilities Awareness, Drafting, and Model Design and Building.


This class would be appropraite for some middle school students.




There will be several field trips for this class. One of which will be a local field trip to tour historic homes and buildings that match the architectural styles that will be studied. A second field trip will be to Bayou Bend in Houston and to the Design Center (accessible only to designers).


Course Tuition- $50.00/month

 Supply Fee- $60/ semester

Cost of field trips not included

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